Friday, April 29, 2011

Homemade Toothless!!

I absolutely loved the movie How to Train Your Dragon. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I was watching the movie. I also love love love to make things (if you guys don't already know, you can check out my work with plushies here: Usually over the summer I pick one or two big projects to do to keep me occupied. This summer I know what I'm making!Drum roll's a Toothless plushie!! It will hopefully look like this when I'm done:

 After hearing Kimberly talking about looking that the plushies on the internet, and remembering my own dissatisfaction with the cheaply made Walmart merchandise for the movie, I've decided to make my very own giant dragon. I'll need one to take with me to college! (What else will protect me from all those dashingly good looking college bad boys?) Anyway, I'm so excited for finals to be over so I can get started making my own Toothless! I can't wait to have my very own giant dragon to drag around my room.


  1. Oh wow!!! You better post a picture of the finished project on Facebook!!
    Also, have you ever considered making a small business of your talent? I looked at your pictures on Flickr and I think you are veryy good! I went to Asheville's art museum last summer, and in their gift shop they had little plush monsters on sale. Let me just say that they were very expensive!! However, a lot of people love them, and I do too, and I think that you would do very well if you looked into that. (:

  2. I strongly agree with Victory Jeni, you are extremely gifted and you've done a wonderful job of perfecting your ability. You really should look into starting your own business. If you need any inspiration, i will be more than happy to help. I know better than anyone that life isn't all about making money. If you spend your life doing what you love, nothing else in the world will matter. Why do you think im so upbeat all the time? I had the pleasure of seeing your graduation project when you brought it to school last year and it was absolutely amazing. Never give up on this, you seem to really enjoy it and you've probably spent more time and effort on it than anyone i know has on their hobbies. I have high hopes for you Jeni, good luck!

  3. Oh wow. I didn't know you make plushies. That's great! If you enjoy doing it, you can make a business out of it. Lols. $$$$$ But it isn't always bout making profit. I wanna see the outcome of your dragon.

  4. OMG!! This is a good idea! You definitely need to show us on Facebook whenever you get done with it! Hey if it's big enough, maybe you could ride it!!!
